Reverse! Reverse!

Don’t start cha-cha’ing real smooth just yet though. First you got to take a look at this tutorial for making a rewind effect in Adobe Premiere Pro. Now I’ll be using the newest version 6.0 for my tutorial, but the gist should still be if you’re using 5.5 or 5.0.

So first you’ll want your desired video up and ready to be tinkered with. But! If you want to rewind the video that just played, or have the first video rewind and then have it play through from the beginning right after, you’ll need to have two copies of the desired video like so:


Next you’ll want to right click on the one you want to reverse. I’ll be reversing the second copy of the video. And then you’ll select Speed/Duration in the drop down menu shown.


In the pop up window that then appears, you’ll want to click the check box next to Reverse Speed. This will then reverse the video selected. Also on this pop up box, you can choose to speed up or slow down the video upon which you can also check off to maintain Audio Pitch as well.

pop up

After clicking OK, watch your video and you are now a master of time… at least within Adobe Premiere Pro.